Drawing with Beads

Saturday, February 27, 2016

2016 Seed Bead Contests

Beading contests 2016

End dates for submissions

February 26, 2016 Bead Dreams Bead and Button magazine

April 30,  2016 Fire Mountain Gems seed bead contest

June 10, 2016  Fashion Colorworks

September 1, 2016 International Bead Awards, Perlen Poesie- From Cubism to Art Deco

Tips for entering beading contests

These are things I like to keep in mind when working on a competition piece.

How to find contests- magazines, fb groups, google search

Identify which is right for you- price-some are free and some pricey

 difficulty level- how comfortable you are with pushing yourself or entering just for the experience, or just for fun
competition- how many entries does the contest usually get
 time period- how long  are open dates, how close to end date you have, how much time can you work and how long has the competition been working
materials- seed beads or Swarovski or any kind of bead
Technique-weaving or stringing or embroidery
Judging- is it open for public vote as well?

Check put previous years entries and winners, design with stand out characteristics

Read the rules- make a hard copy, add notes

Make a checklist with key dates and requirements

Know the dates, double check end date for submissions periodically

If the contest with a midnight deadline is based in another country make sure to account for the time difference if waiting until the last day!

Know who the judges are, what their style is, what their colors and favorite beads are

Follow the rules -enter pictures the right size, the right way

Understand the theme

Originality, be different, do something to set yours apart from other entries- design new components or flowers, use different beads or unique focals

Who sponsors the contest- why? If to promote a certain bead, use that bead, blog about them, use product sponsors sell as accents- gemstones, cabs, clasps

Go for all the extra points- small size beads, vintage styles, whatever the theme be thorough,

Enter more than one category with different projects, or enter same category multiple times if allowed

Take clear pictures, and a lot of them. Choose the best layout and reshoot again, and again in different light also.

Don't show your project before contest finalists announced, unless it is allowed or encouraged

Allow enough time to finish, but work until last minute if need be.

Take photos day after finishing to be more objective, distanced, steady.

Take notes, photos write down thoughts during process of creating piece.

Things to keep in mind

Don't be discouraged, bead and design for the challenge of the theme or completion date and learn from each piece- try to do something new to you, a technique you haven't tried or a color you don't use. That way you are pushing yourself to try new things, also your work is growing and evolving from the process.

Good Luck!

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